All About Seller Feedback

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Seller feedback

Seller feedback is about your performance as a seller, serving as a report card that reflects the level of customer experience you deliver. Both your feedback score and the total number of reviews play crucial roles in influencing Amazon's algorithms, which determine the placement of your products in search results.


The rating is determined by the one to five-star evaluations provided by your customers within a 90-day period following their purchase. It is based on aspects such as packaging, shipping, professionalism, and customer service, - but not evaluations of the actual products.

Seller feedback is especially important for resellers who compete for the buy box.


How to Improve Your Seller Feedback Score


👍 Improve Your Product Listings: While your feedback score isn’t specific to your product, customers will attribute any misconceptions about your product to your trustability as a seller. Be honest and detailed in your product specifications including sizes, colours, quantities, etc. Use lots of pictures and videos where possible.


👍 Deliver on your promises: It goes without saying that if you promise that an item is in stock or fast shipping, you need to deliver on it. But if you’re struggling to keep up with customer expectations, that’s a sign that your business lacks centralization. ‍

👍 Offer a good return policy: You've probably come across this familiar saying: Customers tend to provide feedback more often following a negative experience rather than a positive one. Nevertheless, it's important to recognize that when a hiccup occurs in an order, it presents a significant opportunity to rectify the situation and make things right.

👍 Be responsive: If a customer sends you a message via Amazon’s buyer-seller messaging service, respond within 24 hours. Be professional and thorough in your message, and do not try to upsell customers in your communications (this is strictly prohibited by Amazon as well). ‍

👍 Send follow-up messages: Sellers often win brownie points by sending additional information about an order and proactively touching base with customers during or after delivery. By checking up on a customer’s satisfaction level, you can make them feel valued (and also get ahead of any issues instead of getting surprised by negative feedback). ‍

👍 Make amends and respond graciously to negative feedback: If a customer buys your product and then has a question or complaint, use the buyer-seller messaging service to provide them with answers quickly. You may find that you can diffuse the situation and reduce the chances of them returning the product or leaving a negative review this way.


Unfortunately, it’s easy for customers to accidentally leave product reviews as seller feedback.

If you suspect that a customer has accidentally left a poor product review on your seller feedback page, contact Amazon to get the entry removed. Amazon will generally remove feedback if:

  • The order was Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA)
  • The feedback contains obscene language or personal information.
  • The feedback contains promotional content.
  • The feedback content relates more to product quality than your service as a seller.  

Our next article talks about Product Reviews - including how these differ from seller feedback and how to best get great Product Reviews!

Come back to read more!