How to Make the most of the Amazon Honeymoon Period

amazon advertising amazon business growth amazon ppc amazon product launch keys to grow and scale systemise & scale Apr 25, 2024
Amazon's Honeymoon Period

The Amazon Honeymoon Period is a magical time in the Amazon-seller relationship. One of the moments you’ll want to make the most of and cherish ๐ŸŽปโ™กโœจ

Typically 15 – 30 days long after launching a new product, Amazon gives your listing a boost in search ranking and visibility which can help your product establish a strong foundation on Amazon.

Some sellers dont believe that the Honeymoon Period is a real phenomenon, but the romantics amongst us know better ๐Ÿ˜‰.

Amazon's algorithm treats new listings differently than established listings  because new listings do not have any sales history, which is a major factor in how the algorithm ranks products. To compensate for this lack of sales history, the algorithm gives new listings a boost in ranking during the first few weeks after they are launched. 


Here's a full list of the advantages sellers can gain from this unique period:

  • Higher Keyword Rankings: allowing sellers to be more visible to potential shoppers.
  • Increased Visibility: leading to more clicks and potential sales, which are vital for a successful start.
  • Sales and Reviews Positive reviews play a crucial role in building trust with potential customers and increasing conversion rates. 


When Does the Honeymoon Period Start? Typically it begins when your inventory reaches Amazon's warehouse, and your product is live and ready for sale. 


How to Capitilise on this Period

This is a great opportunity to get to Page 1 of product listings! There are several ways you can ensure this happens - by generating traffic and sales during the Amazon honeymoon period.

  • Run PPC ads to get your product in front of shoppers who are already searching for keywords related to your product. H
  • Run marketing campaigns on other platforms eg using social media, email lists, Tiktok promotions, Pinterest posts.
  • Offer discounts and promotions to attract new customers and drive sales during the honeymoon period. 
  • Request Vine reviews to give customers confidence in your product


Capitalising on the honeymoon period sets the stage for long-term success. Achieving a strong start with higher rankings and positive reviews can help a product take on the competition and; maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.