An Entrepreneur's Mindset

amazon business amazon business growth entreprenerial mindset grit growth mindset mindset smallbusiness Jan 22, 2024
Entrepreneur Mindset

There is no tale of a great entrepreneur which does not describe the odds they faced, battles they fought or embarassing failures  they overcame.

Because everyone will agree that of all the pillars needed to scale a company - a determined mindset or grit is the most important. Grit is what separates the successful from the unsuccessful.


Grit is the ability to persevere in the face of adversity and to keep going when things get tough 


Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance. Passion being the intense desire to achieve something and; perseverance being the ability to keep going even when things are tough.

The great thing is we can develop and nurture grit - and here's some tips on how to.

💪🏽 Connect to a higher purpose - a "Why" 

Grit is working not because we are forced to, but because deep down we have an inherent belief that the work that we are doing is completely worth it. A deep motivation to change things around us will drive us forward much further than a desire for external rewards, fame, and success..

💪🏽 Cultivate Hope 

In order to keep going, we need to have an unrelenting belief that our business and ideas will defy the statistics and become the success story that we have always strived to achieve. Faith will provide the fuel to keep on keeping on.

💪🏽 Cultivate Community 

Surrounding ourselves with other gritty people who set examples and share their stories is the ultimate motivator.  Support groups, family, podcasts, masterminds and online communities providing advice and encouragement are key. Network, network.

💪🏽 Continuously Learn

Training our minds and building on our knowledge will give us the skills to solve problems, courage to implement solutions and; the strategies to accelerate our progress. Study, study.

💪🏽 Create a vision of your future

A clear dream, along with the courage to take action and follow through, dramatically increases your chances of success. “If you can dream it, you can do it” said Walt Disney. Visualize your future by developing short- and long-term goals.  We need to set targets, measure progress, and action these daily. 

We will persevere!