Stages of Scaling your Business

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Scale Your Business

Rome wasnt built in a day. So if you are setting out to systemise your business - dont feel like you need to do it overnight.

Indeed there are several distinct stages in the process of fully systemising your business.


Stage 1 – Start Up: usually 1 employee

During this first stage you are usually the solo employee, the centre of the company and a jack-of-all-trades. You are becoming familiar with the language, lay of the land and rules of engagement. At this stage you are experimenting with processes and learning your business model by trial and error


Stage 2 – Ramp Up: 2 to 5 employees

Now, your focus is 100% on sales. In stage 2 you have now hired someone to help (who could be a contractor). You have outsourced a business function and gained some time back time. You've learned the ropes of Amazon, are making less errors, and are now building some processes which allow you to delegate.


Stage 3 – Scale Up

In this next stage your focus is on defining your place in the industry and your priority is to scale. Your company has validated its product and you’re aligning and simplifying processes. You've built out your team with permanent and fulltime members of staff, more defined processes, but still own the decision-making.


Stage 4 – Influence

Finally - you have developed a permanent team with specialists in various areas. You have become the CEO of your company and delegated decision-making. This allows you to go away on holiday for weeks, run another enterprise or; to focus on the strategic and value-adding elements of the business. 

 Finally - you have a fully systemised business.

 If you are just starting out in systemising - then take it one day at a time.  Navigate these four stages of growth to come out on top!


 Here's our take on the 7 Essential Systems required to run your Amazon Business


 I've also put together a bunch of Free Resources, to help you get started on your journey with Amazon/ Get them here.