Why We Postpone Implementing Systems

amazon business amazon business growth amazon business systems keys to grow and scale selling on amazon systemise & scale systemise and automate your business systemise your business Nov 24, 2023
Why We Postpone Implementing Systems

βš™οΈ What are business systems? βš™οΈ

Business systems start with documented procedures and processes that keep our businesses ticking even when we're not around. Like operating manuals - these are where the knowledge about how your business runs, gets captured.

〽️ McDonald’s is the common poster child for systems  - a huge, global business worth billions, mostly managed by teens who might not even tidy up their own rooms.

How do they do this?  Simple. They've got killer business systems. Their manual covers everything from hiring to serving customers - making their success a well-oiled machine. πŸ¦Ύ

But why do so many Amazon sellers often overlook or put off implementing business systems? Listen up as you really don’t want to make these expensive mistakes! πŸ’°


Reason #1 – Dull & Boring  πŸ₯±πŸ₯±πŸ₯±

Business systems are regarded as “behind the scenes” functions. Unlike the latest sourcing, advertising,  bundling technique or other highly visible aspects of your business, good business systems are considered boring. While building them may indeed be boring, the incredible power they give us is anything but.


Reason #2 – Lack of time β³β³β³

In the startup phase, time is a luxury. We think that the opportunity cost of developing systems is too expensive because there are seemingly more sales-enhancing things to do - like sourcing, replenning and prepping. 

With all of these important things vying for our attention, systems get put off. However, just like any other accumulation of neglect over time, it rarely ends well.


Reason #3 – Overwhelm πŸ™†πŸ»‍β™€οΈπŸ™†πŸ»‍β™€οΈπŸ™†πŸ»‍♀️

Then there's that drowning feeling. 

Setting up systems can feel like scaling a mountain. Owners get lost in what to tackle first and end up doing nothing. But think about it. Do you really want to take someone through how to do something ten times when once would suffice?


 Reason #4 – Confusion πŸ˜΅‍πŸ’«πŸ˜΅‍πŸ’«πŸ˜΅‍πŸ’«

We know we need systems but have no clue how to implement or manage them so they don't get done. That's where I step in. I'll show you how to whip up a system that works like a charm :D .


Reason #5 - I Don't Roll that Way πŸ™…‍β™‚οΈβœ–οΈπŸ™…πŸ»‍♀️

The idea of following routines may seem like the kind of hell you were trying to escape by becoming a business owner. You chose this life because you don’t like that way of working. You would take a job if you did.

The biggest difference here is that YOU make the systems. And they make sense for you and they way you work. And give you the results you want. They aren't about mindlessly doing work that doesn't give you great results.


Level up your Business and Earn Your Life Back

The major issue with not having systems is that all the “know how” of the business is stuck between your ears. That’s why you are held in the prison bars of not being able to get away from your business

The only way out is to make time to create and document these business systems.


In our next article we’ll go through more evidence of why this “painful” process is entirely necessary!

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