Why Most Leaders Under-Delegate

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Delegating is like passing the baton, giving someone else a chance to complete a task. 

Small business owners, in particular, find delegating a bit tricky, but it's a must-have skill for top-notch leaders. The gurus swear by it, saying that handing out tasks regularly can strengthen your team and bring so many benefits to both leaders and their people when done right.

But we often avoid handing off tasks for various reasons. Some of the common thoughts  include:

  • "I'm not sure my team is up to the task or prepared for it."
  • "It's quicker for me to do it myself than to explain how to do it."
  • "I doubt anyone on my team can do it as well as I can."
  • "I don't want to overload my staff."
  • "I'll teach my team when I have more time. Right now, I just need to get it done."
  • "If I delegate too much, I might lose respect. Peers or my own leadership team might see me as less essential."

But here's the thing: effective delegation is a key element of being a great leader. When leaders don't delegate, they miss a chance to help their team grow, which is at the core of great leadership.

Here are 8 great reasons to delegate to your team.

1️⃣Develop skills and confidence in your team

Delegating provides opportunities for team members to develop new skills and gain experience. It encourages the team to have a culture of growth and learning which gives them confidence at work.


2️⃣Enhance efficiency by assigning the right task

When tasks are distributed according to the team member’s strengths and expertise, the team can function more cohesively. This can result in faster project completion and higher quality of work.


3️⃣Lighten your workload to focus on big-picture strategies

Delegation helps distribute the workload, allowing tasks to be completed more efficiently. It gives you more time to concentrate on important projects that call for your unique abilities, leadership, and decision-making skills.


4️⃣Empower team members to take initiative

Delegation empowers team members by giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility. This can boost morale, motivation, and job satisfaction leading to increased productivity and engagement.


5️⃣Generate new ideas through collaboration

When you delegate tasks to your team, you bring together diverse perspectives, skills, and experiences. This collaborative environment often fosters creativity and innovation. Delegation not only distributes tasks but also promotes a collaborative environment that stimulates creativity and idea generation.


6️⃣Avoid burnout by sharing responsibilities

Delegating helps prevent burnout but dividing up the tasks evenly among team members. This promotes a healthier work-life balance for everyone.


7️⃣Trust your team’s abilities and judgment

Team members often have different skills, expertise, and strengths. Delegating and putting trust in your team helps them leverage their special knowledge and use their critical judgment.


8️⃣Elevate overall team performance and morale

Delegating tasks grows overall team performance and morale because it shares responsibilities and creates a sense of ownership among team members.

Delegation also empowers team members by recognising their skills and providing opportunities for skill development, leading to higher confidence levels, enhancing overall performance, and boosting morale. 

In conclusion - effective delegation is not just a leadership skill, but a crucial aspect of creating growth and success within your business team. Despite the common worries about it, delegating tasks provides a lot of benefits including skill development, increased skill, and empowered team members. So just do it!