Are you Feeling Stuck in Your Business? Here's What to Do

amazon business amazon business growth amazon business systems entreprenerial mindset grit Sep 07, 2024
Entrepreneur Business Mindset

When you're chasing a goal or working on a project, it's really important to keep your eye on what really matters. Yes, reaching the end goal is big, but it's not the only thing you should care about.

The goal points you in the right direction and gives you something to aim for. But it's not enough on its own to get you there. Some might say you should obsess over your goal until you reach it, but it's not that simple. In fact when you do this, you are more likely to stumble and stop and end up stuck in a ditch of no action.  

This is why many of us circle around the same task for weeks, if not months.  We know what needs doing but just can't prioritise 'or get round to it.  Instead, we get stuck in a rut and end up fixating on the final result.  This leaves us feeling let down, inadequate and; make us miss out on all the small gains along the way.

Its best to think of the end goal as more of a distant dream that guides your efforts, rather than the only thing you focus on.

To really get going, you've got to pay attention to the little steps you take along the way. There are two kinds of goals: outcome goals, which are like the finish line, and process goals, which are the steps you take regularly to get there.

So do this:- 


1️⃣ Find out what your sticking point is. What is causing the friction? What emotions are sucking you down?

2️⃣ Ask - Can you sand down the friction point? Get help to pull you out? Take bite size progress steps?

3️⃣Then drag yourself forward. Execute. Do something.


Focusing on progress and process goals gives you the tools to succeed. You can feel good about your approach when you can see you're on the right path. Plus, you can adapt and change direction if you need to.

Without these steps, you're just crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. But when you set intentional process goals, you can actually track your progress and tweak things as you go.

Sometimes, as you're going along, you might realise that the end goal isn't what you really want after all. Maybe it's too expensive or risky. Or maybe your priorities have changed.

However when you're fixated on that final goal, you miss out on all these insights. You might not even realise if your actions are working. And when your motivation dips, it's easy to lose track.

So stay focused on progress. You're more likely to stay motivated and make smart decisions along the way. You can switch gears when needed and adjust your goals to fit what really matters to you. And you can achieve all those ambitious goals!