How to Sell On Amazon from Overseas

amazon business Jul 01, 2024
how to sell on amazon from overseas

Do you have a product with a ready overseas market?

Would you like to leverage Amazon's fulfillment network to reach your potential customer base overseas?

Or connect your brand to global customers - communicating your core values and building a loyal community?

Well - here’s some advice on how to make the setup process go smoothly for you.


To start with - according to the latest official list of Countries accepted for seller registration;  individuals and companies from 186 countries can open an account on Amazon.

So, unless you’re from a banned country (e.g., Russia, Belarus), you can probably register as a seller.

All you need is a valid phone number, credit card, and proof of residence or business establishment. At least that’s what the guidance says. It can be slightly more complex for foreign sellers to get started selling on Amazon however. Read on to find out what the hurdles are and how to overcome them.


 How to Set Up an Amazon Seller Account as a Foreign Entity

The process may differ slightly from one marketplace to another. But setting up an Amazon seller account generally involves the actions shown in the our step-by-step guide, designed to help you through the process:

 To get started with setting up an Amazon seller account as a foreign entity, you'll need to gather some essential equipment and documents.

 #### Equipment and Internet Requirements

1. **Basic Equipment**: Ensure you have a microphone, camera, and a reliable web browser like Edge or Chrome.

2. **Internet Connection**: A stable internet connection is crucial, as Amazon will verify your information via a video call.

 #### Assistance

- Consider having a friend or family member assist you during the registration process, especially for handling documents and devices during the video call.

#### Required Information and Documents

Before you begin the registration process on Amazon, make sure you have the following information and documents ready:

 1. **Personal and Business Information**:

   - Applicant name and names of any additional beneficial owners of the business.   - Company name, corporate designation (e.g., LLP, Inc.), and parent company information (if applicable).  -Contact details, including phone number and email address.

 2. **Financial Details**:

   - Credit card information for the selling plan subscription (Amex, Visa, Mastercard).   - Bank account number for receiving sales revenue.

 3. **Identification and Verification**:

    - Original passport or national ID.    - Proof of address (e.g., bank or credit card statement, utility bill, mortgage statement, rent receipt). Ensure it meets these criteria:    - No older than 180 days.      - In color, scanned or photographed.      - Legible, with all four corners visible.      - In PDF, JPG, JPEG, or PNG format.      - Maximum file size of 10MB

 4. **Business Documentation**:

   - Company registration certificate and business license.    - Tax information (if applicable).    - Letter of authorisation to sell on Amazon, printed on company letterhead and signed officially.

 5. **Account Setup**:

   - Preferred seller name (this can be changed later).    - A memorable password for your Amazon seller account.


By ensuring you have all these details and documents ready, you’ll be well-prepared to set up your Amazon seller account smoothly and efficiently.


Registration for Foreign Sellers on Amazon: Common Issues

Before registering, bear in mind that a few issues can slow down or hamper the process, from what foreign sellers on Amazon tell us. Based on this anecdotal evidence, anyone hoping to set up shop on Amazon should first tick these items off their list:


  • Open a dedicated bank account specifically for your Amazon orders to prevent any funds from being delayed or withheld due to external payments that Amazon may consider suspicious.
  • Register your brand trademark with the appropriate authorities: in the UK through the Intellectual Property Office (IPO ), or in the USA through the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO.).
  • If you are registering as a company, ensure that the bank account statement displays the company’s name only. It should not include the names of any individuals in charge.
  • Ensure all your documents are written in English or legally translated into English by a certified notary office.
  • Use an original passport or national ID for verification purposes; do not use a driver’s license.
  • Make sure you have valid UPC codes for all the products you plan to sell on Amazon.


Contacting Seller Support may not be easy on your marketplace. You can use this form for help setting up a UK account, for instance. 

Bear in mind that registering for an account is only the first hurdle in your plan to sell on Amazon. Foreign sellers on Amazon often come across many other issues to do with compliance, listing, and shipping for Amazon. 

 Please follow our blog as we discuss them all in following issues.