Start Selling on Amazon today 

Learn how to Start your own Online Business from home, Buying stock from online retailers that you can sell on Amazon for a Profit.

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✓ Remove limits on your Earnings

✓ Work Anytime from Anywhere

✓ Create the life you've always Wanted

You're ready to be your own boss. To choose you own flexible working hours. To earn a consistent 6-figure income - that frees you from debt and creates generational wealth for you and your family.


You may have been looking for the right opportunity to set up your own enterprise.

  • One with low risks and low start-up costs
  • One that allows you to work anywhere and any time
  • One that is  scalable - with hundreds of millions of potential customers
  • One that does not require you to make your own products or build your own website
  • One that will allow you to start making money immediately


Start Here

Are you hardworking and ambitious and wanting to build a dream business or side-hustle?

  • Do you want to be your own boss and build your own venture?
  • Do you have a great job with a nice income . .  . but know you were created to do and be MORE?
  • Do you want additional income to cover the cost of living?
  • Do you have an exhausting  job or and toxic work environment . . .and know you need a change for your mental health?
  • Do you have a family and want to spend more time with them?
  • Maybe you never want to worry about being made redundant again? 

3S New to Amazon Starter Programme

Amazon Beginners Course


Our 7-week Master programme will provide hand-holding and step-by-step guidance to set your business up.

When you follow along, you'll be up and running on Amazon and making sales in no time!


Our framework will provide the training and support you need

Excellent Training

Solid training from experienced coaches

Will help you to set up and scale whilst avoiding trial and error

No missing steps, no confusion



Designed to take you by the hand

Tailored for you, to help overcome your unique issues

Providing accountability and guidance




Mastermind with fellow sellers

Learn from each other.

Encourage each other.

Book Your Place

Who is Chipo?


My name is Chipo Mukono - a multiple 6-figure Amazon FBA seller who helps others to set up and build their own Amazon FBA businesses. 

Prior to setting up an ecommerce business I worked as a management consultant within financial services - specialising in strategic and operational restructuring projects.

I now have the pleasure of  coaching others on the skills, secrets, and strategies they need to build a successful Amazon FBA business in the comfort of their own surroundings.


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Free Resources

Here's some of free resources to help you in running your Amazon business


Tips, trends and best practices for growing your business

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